DoC:S | Directory Registration
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College & University “Team Players” Directory

Following is a listing of sports chiropractors working with Colleges and Universities who are part of the DoCS elite network. We are striving to feature the most comprehensive directory, as we are stronger together— sharing, collaborating, exchanging knowledge, leads and referrals.

Register today. Become part of a growing collaboration. You’ll get a free gift when you do.

If you are a chiropractor working with or on a college and/or university team, enter your information below and help lead the charge. When you do, you’ll become part of a strong, robust network of doctors and therapists working together to raise the bar in chiropractic for athletes.

As a thank you for registering, you will receive complimentary access to the ‘DoCS Sports Module’ presented by Dr. Michael Bagnell DC, FABBIR, Lead Physician at Bagnell Brain Center.

About the video: As an athlete trains for patterns of sport specific movement, we can help him or her improve the processor (the parts of their brain that coordinate all the input and output) so as to achieve better results. We do this through spinal manipulation, a treatment modality that can change various aspects of their nervous system function, including their muscle reflexes, reaction time, processing speed, muscle strength output, and reduced muscular fatigue. Find out how to do this in this video, and also why chiropractic care has massive benefits to athletes in ways we are only just beginning to fully realize.